Wednesday, June 13, 2007

He will be Free

Knowing the details
Weaving my future
Alone in the silence
Beside the danger

Across the oceans
Near in mind
I keep you there
I love you blind

I would not give
You up for anything
I value your soul
So, I bring

You to the One
In my plea
I ask Him to hold you up
To stay beside thee

And I wish I could too
But He says it’s not to be
If I want you to live
I’d have to be happy

Where I am,
It’s the best I can do
He says to me
“I can help him too

In truth, it is I
That has brought him thus
And through you too
But it’s Me he must

Ask for help
And help him I must
At just the moment
I will salvage his trust

And he will be free.

Sobriety at Worst

And frightened,
Treads the menacing halls
Feigning sobriety to the maximum degree
Innocence beguiles even the strongest

And wishing not and never again
In liaison with the Devil himself
Longing, craving, forever to be free
Sobriety, you’ve shackled my will

Freedom of the flesh, freedom of the spirit
I ache to feel you’re gentle touch
Abstinence, soberness, you possess my soul,
But not for long. Abandon is my Key.

Chasm Of Disaster

Believing lies, hoarding fate
Reaping consequences that come too late
Against the facts your poor soul’d grate
But still for answers you’d patiently wait

Knowing the truth, but pushing it back
Letting your mind wander single-track
For avoiding the problem you’ve got a knack
But still in your heart you feel some lack

Leave it a while, you assuredly thought
The lessons you learned and that life brought…
Your faulty choices made void the lot
But still fleshly whims you sought

“Possess the moment” you thought arrogantly
Soon enough I’ll be finally free
But there was something you could not see
The chasm of disaster awaited thee